Sunday, November 30, 2008

One hour and thirty minutes...

Jennifer was able to come the clinic for one of
Steve's appointments - even though it was only
for one hour and thirty minutes we loved having
her with us.

Reportedly Jennifer locked herself in the study
for two and a half days recently and wrote fifty
stories/memories for her Dad. We read one a day
per her request - this should take us through
transplant number one. Thanks Jenn!

1 comment:

NHaacke said...

We are thinking of you constantly. We just have to look over at your house and it is a reminder to us of the great friends and neighbors you are.... you are in our prayers always. get well soon so we can play some pinnachle or something. Wow 50 days for one transplant, Jen was a busy girl. What a great thing to look forward to each day...Let us know if we can check on anything for you I am here all the time....
Your Western neighbors