Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Huntsman Crew

Here is a photo of the Huntsman Cancer Institute for those of you who have not had the pleasure of eating at The Point - the fun place to be at the Institute - come join us for lunch some day.

We want you to meet some of Steve's new friends at the Huntsman. They have all been great to work with.
Dr. Maurizio Zangari is Italian and such an interesting man - he comes into the room he takes your hand places his hands under and over your hand and flashes a warm smile. When he leaves the room he again caresses your hand and does a little bow. Really can't he be in charge of teaching a few doctors we have met how to be people!

Here is Katrina Royall R.N.- the ultimate warm, always pleasant, patient nurse. She answers a million questions and works very hard to make this ridiculously scary time bearable. Nurses are the front line that make such a huge difference - no bias on my part of course.

Andrea Noordewier, P.A. As it turns out we see Andrea more often than anyone in the clinic right now. She has been a delight and is relatively new to her profession and the Huntsman. Receiving her P.A. from George Washington University in Washington DC endeared her to us right away. Even though she is a greenie we like her spunk and willingness to ferret out answers to our never ending questions.

Check out their website if you would like more information about the program.


Book Girl said...

My comment about doctors needing to learn to be people of course excludes many docs we know and love - our own FP doc for example, Gary & his dad Tom, and other family members who are doctors: David and Mark are both great in this area. However Steve's first hematologist and oncologist got a big fat "F" in people skills. I have tons of respect for doctors as I have spent much of my life working with them. Thanks to all who leave comments they are greatly appreciated. Lynn

the kings said...

Lynn -
I like how you clarified your statement, we do know a few doctors that we enjoy don't we!:) No one can deny that nurses work their tails off and make a WORLD of difference in how their patients feel though. Thanks for posting the pictures, it is great to know who is caring for dad! They look like very sweet people.
Love and Hugs -
king clan

thehalvs said...

Whew! That was a close one mom! Good thing you clarified! Thanks for including Gar and his sweet dad in you list of 'good' docs.

You guys are the best. Maybe we'll take you up on that lunch offer...
