Sunday, August 23, 2009

More of the Best & An Update

Again we were blessed to have more family visit this summer. The Kings traveled to Utah for a wedding, Tyler's younger sister Katie was married and we were lucky enough to have them stay with us. Check out Kelly's blog for some beautiful pictures of Katie and Scott. Steve had not seen Tyler and the kids for a year, way too long! It was so fun to be with them and spend a little time catching up, staying up... oh so late and watching the kids do what they do best - PLAY.

When everyone left I remembered Steve's father asking his mother to - not wash away the fingerprints on the glass door - after their grandchildren had visited. I totally understand and miss the sound of their bare feet running across the tiled floor and have left the playroom as they left it. Pretty clean actually - but I can't make myself change a thing. And.... yes Tyler and Kelly.... miss you too!

For those of you who do not have grandchildren yet....hang on as it is simply the best.

Kelly, Jaxon, Lia, Maggie & Tyler
Lunch at the Oaks in Ogden Canyon

Lia and Maggie ready to go and waiting and willing to smile for Grandma

Lia playing softball with Grandpa Steve

Jaxon in great form

Maggie and Steve
Is it just me or is that bat bigger than Maggie?

Swimming with the Hill cousins

Maggie, Cannon, Cooper, Jaxon, Lia

Casey keeping track of the boys

Maggie, Kelly and Stacie



The pictures below are of a BBQ we had at our home while the Kings were here. We were fortunate enough to have several family members join us for an evening we won't soon forget.

Steve manning the BBQ - his marinated chicken rocked
Uncle Reed, Aunt Valoy is hiding behind him, Ann Burt, Steve, Natalie and Cortney Petersen

Below in the white shirts are Valoy Smith and Nancy Lewis
In the background you see Tyler, and Jim Bergen

Keith & Cindy Smith, Steve Petersen, Steve, Kelly & Nancy with camera

When you have lived this long - your family is more then willing to hear what you have to say!
Reed M. Smith

Reed and Valoy traveled a ridiculous distance in a very short time in order to be here for this family gathering. They were in California at my cousin's funeral the day before the event. Their daughters, Ann and Nancy were also at the funeral and drove them to our home- many thanks to you all for making the effort to be here with us. After dinner Reed spent time sharing his memories of growing up in Holbrook, Idaho as well as time spent in Mobile, Alabama with his mother's family. I was fortunate enough to sit next to Valoy and hear some additional tidbits as the tales flew. Reed and Valoy have always been a special aunt and uncle to our family and it was a day that ended all to soon. Words can't express how much it meant to have Reed, Valoy and so many family members here to create more memories - love you all!

On Reed's left you see Cindy Bergen, his daughter, holding a recording device - someday soon I hope to send out a CD to each family - since I am technically challenged that my take awhile. I want to give a shout out to Cortney Petersen for watching all the kids while we listened to Reed - thank you!!

Steve and Maggie at the park
snuggles - priceless

Kelly and kids riding Front Runner to Gateway

Playing in the fountain at Gateway


Ready for church and Jaxon fending off a kiss from his little sister

Golf was on the list of required things to do

Below are some backyard photos
Jaxon - a boy who would stay outdoors all day every day if allowed

Lia waiting patiently for Grandpa Steve to get the fire going to roast marsh mellows

Dutch oven cobbler in the making

Roasting the mellows.....
and below the results

Grandpa taking advantage of a hug from Lia
Oh yes ....that cancer thing - we were ignoring that while the kids were home.
We appreciate your calls recently asking the status of Steve's treatment etc. He has not been receiving treatment for a few weeks. He has had difficulty tolerating Revlimid - and previously had problems with Thalidomide, two of the drugs they use for maintenance chemo. He will meet with staff at Huntsman next week and we will update you on what he learns. Steve is working and so enjoys being back. He loves the people he works with and is maybe one of the few who finds it so exciting to get up and head to work each morning!